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Bayern Kurve


Roller Poster
Despite being in some amusement parks like Kennywood, they only seem to be exclusive in German fairs. Do there exist any American versions of that ride? The only one I know is the Olympic Bobs from Chance, but there was only one ever built.


Staff member
They're really common everywhere else, or they used to be, but have been pretty much replaced nowadays. It's because they're rubbish, so be thankful there aren't any in the States :)


Roller Poster
It still would've been nice if there were more Olympic Bobs rides made. They would've been a nice addition in carnivals, county fairs, and state fairs.


Staff member
There were hundreds, maybe even thousands made - just a very long time ago. They're one of those rides like a Waltzer or Twister that were massively popular in the early days of fairs.

The problem was that they're not actually that much fun, and the Matterhorn Bob very rapidly replaced them (and they have since fallen very much out of favour).

There are a fair number around though, especially in Asia and continental Europe where they seem to have some kind of happy following. They're usually known as a "Musical Express" - I did loads when I made the new site.

They're just "meh". Like Speedways and Arks (which I adore), they're not very good really and are best as a nostalgia ride, they have no place in this day and age.


Staff member
Social Media Team
The Musical Express/Matterhorn Bob rides aren't the same thing really.

The Music Express and the like usually go forwards, gathering speed until they're going really fast, and then slow down and do the same thing backwards. They look and feel like a flat ride.


The Bayern Curve rides kind of "rock" between going forwards and backwards until they start doing full circuits; they're basically a powered shuttle coaster in a way. The cars are very similar to coaster trains and they run on a definite track as opposed to being spun round a central hub as on the Music Express rides.



To be perfectly honest, if powered coasters are counted, then I don't see why these shouldn't be. I haven't counted El Paso Express at Hansa myself, but I could understand why people would.


Strata Poster
Why is this a CRED then?


It looks VERY similar to a Bayern Kurve... but it's only powered from the station (the rest of the track is 'normal' track) via flywheels. I don't, however, see how these aren't creds if Jurassic Park is, really.