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The Human Centipede


Giga Poster

Amazing-ly FILTHY.

Thoughts? Made me gag a bit....

Have films gone too far with disturbing ideas?
I saw this trailer is Psychology last week. It looks naff, and from reviews, it is. It's a 2009 film, with a sequel coming out this year I believe.

I think films are not getting worse, just society is getting more used to seeing shocking images. With that, we are becoming less and less shocked, so we need to "break the barrier" to appeal shock-films to the masses once again.

The film itself is based on psychological cases etc, so it's not too bad.
Like i come on here enough to know about that forum!
Plus, this could be a discussion about shocking films and when shocking is too shocking ^_^
There isn't a single cell in my body that would want to watch that film. It's not really it's graphic content, I just think it's completely unnecessary.

However I guess there must be demand for things like this...
^Shall I live up to it then?
Although you can tell it's going to be crap there is something about it that's making me curious and wanting to go and see it. It does seem quite insane with the idea behind it but it's the sort of film you go to see knowing it's going to be crap anyway. Will probably just wait until it's cheap on DVD.
Hahaha, as Roller Coaster Oliver said, it's blatantly going to be a steaming pile of turd, but it'll be a giggle. A must see just for the shock factor...but bargain bin must-see.
Well the first ten minutes has some HORRID acting and an old man parking next to them asking for sex and wagging his tongue through the window. Quite amusing. The girls are **** actors though.
I Fap to it, Furiously.

Another "meh, could be worse" post actually. We can't actually go too far, someone is already said we're just going to get used to it and make something worse to get a reaction out of it.
Need to see it, it looks absolutely obscene hahaha <3

Reminds me of films like Teeth, where they just take an absolutely gruesome idea just to get people to come see it. Only this one has disturbing German surgeons and human centipedes rather than extreme gynocologoy and incest =]
I like how at the end of the trailer it says "100% Medically Accurate."

I can't tell if they're kidding or if they actually take themselves that seriously.
I have to admit, I love sick ideas like this :)

However, I like the film surrounding the sick idea to actually have something good about it. It doesn't have to be a good film, just some utter cheese will do.

This looks like it's a poor film due to the fact there's no actual plot built around the sick core idea.

The biggest issue is the driving force for me. If the doctor was cutting off the heads of the end three and attaching the bodies together under the control of the front person (including nervous system) then I could see the point. You have created a "new" creature (or at the very least extended a human being).

THAT is an interesting experiment to pursue :)

This though is just a sick form of erotica more than anything else. Skat follow the leader if you will. It's tough to see where the goal is for an intelligent doctor to do this as a "sick science experiment". The "segments" are all individually intelligent. Let's face it, the guy is just into extreme bondage!

So added to the fact the core premise is flawed, it's surrounded then by piss poor acting and the most basic kidnap/escape plot.

The two minutes where the centipede is seen are probably the highlight, it's cool to be honest - but it's just two minutes out of ninety, and I've seen five seconds of those good two minutes in the trailer already.

So, good idea in a film about bondage or something, but not as the core premise of a "medical" horror.

Did I think about this too much? :)
The good thing about this film is I haven't seen them advertise at all. It's all spread by word of mouth and I've heard loads of people talking about it. Having that sick experiment is making everyone talk about it and they become curious and look up the film.