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Man Up! And ride Thirteen first!


Staff member
Man Up! And ride Thirteen first!

Alton Towers are offering the chance win one of the first public rides on Thirteen - but only if you're tough enough.

Applicants must take part in a series of "Boot Camp" tests to prove they're hard enough to face the first ride. Challenges include physical tests, psychological testing and an endurance test - one hour of riding air!

Apply here:


And if you like Facebook, view the video here:

I dont think I'd want to be first to ride it to be honest. Coaster's aren't all that when they first open, you need to wait a few months for it to break in.

Good luck to those who do enter though!
All sounded ok until Air was mentioned, I would fall asleep after 2 goes.

Surley Nemesis is a better test :)

Even if Air ran well for me last time, it's still not an intense ride... Maybe it's just to put you in a 'god give me something else' mindset ;)
I'm probably going to sign up. :)
Was going to do it in college today but then saw you need to make a video...

*fetches SAW:The Ride Merchandise*
I want to sign up, but I have exams, and transport is difficult...

1 hour on any alton coaster sounds appetizing.

Applicants must take part in a serious of "Boot Camp"

Serious -> series

alton towers said:
Determined thrill seekers are invited to test their metal

Metal -> Mettle

Mis-typed words for the wine!
Grrr... 18+ Only. :x That is soo stupid. I wish that I could be the first one to ride it, and the fact that Alex Reid is promoting the ride, It just makes matters worse because he is getting popularity from a show worse than Friends! Big Brother!! But then again, I'm happy now BB has now ben Axed! :lol:
It had me half interested until I saw that a video is needed. Sure, I could film myself telling the world how wacky I am and that I'm a coaster enthusiast, but I'd rather not make a fool of myself.

But if you do enter, Ollie, good luck :)
OVER 18 to be first to ride....WHAT?!

One thing that bugs me is why can't people under 18 try the Thirteen competition thing? Why can't people who are teenagers (at the least 14 years old) ride first too ? They said the only fare way to get the first people on is to do challenges first- younger people can do them too!I mean surely a person who's a teen and fit and healthy can go on the ride rather than someone not exactly keen on rides but is old enough. I'm sure it's a family coaster too, why chop off what 50% of the rollercoaster appeals too- Teenagers and kids! I'm 17 in March two days before ride opens, if i could i'd sneek on and be first to ride with Alex Reid too!
I do wish people would bloody read these things...

This apparently involves a MIDNIGHT training camp... And all these rubbish tests to 'prove' yourself...

Hence, putting the age limit at 18 allows for all this to occur without having the old parents permission, how many do you think would allow their kids to go out into the middle of Staffordshire with people they've never met before to go stuff like this?

Stop whinging, it's not a matter of life and death, and if you think it is, you're taking it all too bloody seriously...
An hour on Air? AIR?! Ordinarily, this wouldn't prepare you for anything, but actually, I couldn't do it. Y'see, since having blood pressure issues, leaning over makes me feel dizzy/sick. Hence why one go on Air now makes me feel absolutely bloody dreadful. Hell, I even sat out of riding Nemmy in the rain at the live last year because I felt so ****e. Nemmy! In the RAIN!

But yeah, I don't have a point, just wanted to rant about being defeated by one of the wimpiest coasters on the planet.
Good to see the publicity machine rolling on.

This isn't something that interests me, mainly because I don't want to help stroke the ego of a "celebrity." Although I'd be happy to publicise AT and their new ride.

Thirteen is the ride I'm most looking forward to in 2010 but I can wait to ride it.

Good luck to anybody who is desperate enough though!
I've just realised. The reason the probably want a video and a photo for the entry is so they can see who they're getting to ride first and be in the press. So they'll just be looking for fit girls who are going to scream and say how terrifying the ride is to the press.
If that's the case then I have no chance. :p
Ingested Banjo said:
Applicants must take part in a serious of "Boot Camp"

Serious -> series

Mis-typed words for the wine!


At least Alton made a boob too :lol:

not interested at all. It's a case of "make a tit of yourself to ride first". I'd rather make a tit of myself for fun :)
Nemesis Inferno said:
^Wig, make-up, you can try ;)
I doubt I could pull it off or some reason. :lol:

I'm still not sure if I'll give it a give it a go though even though I nothing to lose.
It's just the whole thing of making a video that puts me off. If it was just apply then I would but having to make a video means you've got to come up with an original idea so it stands out.