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Hutch's RCT2 Thread - Intamin Motorbike


Strata Poster
I've been playing this game on and off for several years, but I recently downloaded OpenRCT2 on my Macbook, which makes RCT much more accessible for me to play than the **** laptop I used to play it on. I went and started a new park on the Extreme Heights scenario and wanted to share some of my projects (and give this section of the forums some much needed love after being forgotten for a couple years).

I plan to keep the name of the park (as I always do when using a pre-made scenario). In terms of coaster design, I'm not trying to be realistic for this park. Just focusing on building big ass coasters, interactions with other rides, high excitement ratings, and of course plenty of scenery and themed areas. Here's an overview of the park so far:


I wanted the park entrance to have some sort of castle, so this is what I came up with.


Beyond the castle entrance, I'm planning on an industrial theme (maybe even steampunk?) with Flaming Fury (the pre-built coaster of course) dominating the area.


I haven't been too consistent with the industrial theme though. This food court building was built before I knew exactly what theme I wanted. I'm not quite satisfied with its look anyway so I might modify it.


I'm quite happy with the way the wild west themed area turned out to be. It's not quite done, just some cleaning up to do and a bit more scenery in some places. It features Rattlesnake, an Intamin LSM multi-launched coaster, and Gunslinger, a mine train.


OpenRCT2 has a few modifications from the original game, including the option to build "booster" tracks, making it much easier and more fun to build launched coasters! Rattlesnake is actually one of the more "realistic" coasters in the park so far... well, at least in the sense that I could see it being a coaster in real life. It draws some inspiration from Taron, Maverick, and Cheetah Hunt. And I was able to sync up the launches well so that two trains launch (almost) side-by-side before they go their separate ways.



And here's the station to Gunslinger, one of my best mine trains, excitement rating wise.



I have a couple of other coasters operating as well. An Arrow hyper coaster named Hyperdrive, which I plan to give a space theme. And a Schwarzkopf looper, which is in need of a name and a theme/themed area, if anyone has any suggestions.

And here's a little WIP:


Any feedback much appreciated!
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I like the park entrance! Gatekeeper on steroids! :P

Rest looks pretty nice, particularly the wild west area.
I like the park entrance! Gatekeeper on steroids! :p
Heh, I guess so! I've had fun in the past building coasters over entrances and showing all their glory!

Good to see some love for OpenRCT2.
Rattlesnake is definitely the standout there, looks great. Are you using the actual booster function for those launches? I find them better used for tamer rides,
you get a punchier launch if you make it a fast chain lift.
I'd also stick some Mack Mega trains on it, to make it more Taron-y: http://x123m3-256.github.io/RCT2/CustomRides/index.html
Yeah, I've just used the booster tracks on Rattlesnake. I actually haven't played/figured out the "hydraulic" chain launch yet, but honestly I kind of like the rolling launches as it is right now. I'll definitely look into using the chain launch in the future though.

I've had my eyes on those custom coaster trains for a few days now, so thanks for sharing the link. I like that idea of using the Mack trains on Rattlesnake. I just downloaded them and had a quick look through, but their doesn't seem to be a way to change Rattlesnake's trains to any of the custom trains? Maybe I'm missing something, but it seems the only trains/cars I can change it to are the ones available in the scenario.

Thanks for a comments. Anyway, I have a little update of my dueling coaster. They're B&M standups. The park also includes floorless and sit-down trains, which I'll want to build at some point in the future. But I figured, since stand ups suck ass IRL, I'd have some dueling ones to make the rides a little more interesting. I already know what the theme and names will be, but I'll get back to you on that.



Their intensity is in like the 9.90s because the layouts where going too long, so they end a bit sooner than I'd like (I also had to cut out each of their jojo rolls before the lift hill, because I actually had to lower to intensity underneath 10.00 at one point).

Wow, good work on the interaction! They look very knotted up.
I like that idea of using the Mack trains on Rattlesnake. I just downloaded them and had a quick look through, but their doesn't seem to be a way to change Rattlesnake's trains to any of the custom trains? Maybe I'm missing something, but it seems the only trains/cars I can change it to are the ones available in the scenario.
Go to the cogs top left and object selection. You can add more ride types in there, so that it will appear in the drop down list of trains once you've selected the change vehicle type cheat.

For chain launches, use the cheat 'unlock operating limits' and you can set it to whatever top speed you're aiming for.
As with the boosters, the acceleration never changes so it depends how long the section is as to whether it will reach that speed, but the acceleration is quicker than the booster.

I'd love to try a standup with a first drop like that.
^Thanks, got the trains working now. Switched it to the Mack trains and it does look a bit better. Also added some of the other models to the selection (Intamin & B&M Wing coasters, Maurer spinning coaster, etc), so I'll be eager to play around with those later.

Got quite a bit done since the last update. I went to work at the space themed area. I originally thought about calling the area something boring like "Distant Planet," but that gave me the idea to give it the more appropriate name "Planet Coaster." ;) The space and martian scenery is a bit limited, so I kind of stuck with a theme of designing some bright and colorful buildings. It's kind of dense but I think it looks fine.


I also finally added a couple of flat rides here too. I started off with some space rings called Rings of Saturn (behind the small turquoise building), but I should've known that the peeps wouldn't give a **** about it, as they only prefer high intensity rides in this scenario. I tried the same thing with the twin motion simulators, thinking they'd like it because it's defined as a thrill ride, but I only got a total of 1 rider. So they're really there just for show.


Station to Hyperdrive:


And then I built this air launched coaster, Supernova, with a 100 mph launch.


Moving on from Planet Coaster is the WIP "spooky" area. I've decided to name the coasters after mythological monsters. The dueling stand ups are now Charybdis (green) and Scylla (red). And of course, before putting in some scenery, I built another coaster to interact with the stand ups, this time a Vekoma flying coaster called Harpy.



Harpy was also becoming a bit too intense when building it (which seems to happens more often than not for me), which is why it kind of ends after that final loop. Otherwise I would've done more helices and interactions with the stand ups. You can see that I also snuck in a drop tower as well.


Then I finally started putting scenery in the area.




So naturally I got tired of putting in scenery at that point and was eager to build more coasters (which, unsurprisingly, is much more exciting for me). Here's a little teaser:


And one last thing: I somehow managed to complete the challenge to attract 4,500 peeps with only using a third of the space in the park. That's definitely the most I've ever attracted. We'll see how much more I can bring in.

I figured as much, but I'd rather not. I like the challenge of building a complex coaster that all the peeps will enjoy, plus I'm going for high excitement ratings (in the 9.00s, 10.00s, etc), and intensity levels over 10 actual lowers the excitement rating as well.

Other than adding in new rides to the selection, and occasionally speeding up the game, I wanna try to avoid some of the cheats, like fixing breakdowns, guest happiness, etc.
So I've gotten even more **** done this past week (hey, school hasn't started for me yet! :p). I'll start off with another overview:


So here's that dive machine I built, which is in a new themed area. I used the 10-seater B&M trains I downloaded, but instead of putting them on the vertical drop model from the game, I used the standard twister track so I could use the large steep slopes (and inversions).


You'll notice I also built a suspended single rail coaster, where its main purpose was interacting around the DM (haven't opened that one yet). I also snuck in part of an Arrow looper later.


Some of the scenery I put in:




Remember that Schwarzkopf I made? Finally built a station for it.


I also went back to work on the spooky area.



And the station to Charybdis and Scylla.


Beyond the spooky area is the jungle themed area. This features a good ol' B&M Invert, a boat ride, one of those ultra twister things. The ultra twisters suck… can't do much with them. They can become too intense very easily and the excitement never seems to reach a 5.0. I'm not sold on either of these coasters' names though. The invert is Pterodactyl, which is fine, but I tentatively named the ultra twister "Twisted Log," because after coloring it **** brown, the ride kind of looks like a giant log. I know, it's bad!



I got the invert to interact with Charybdis/Scylla, which benefited their excitement ratings.


On the other side of the park I quickly made an Arrow custom looper, which I mentioned earlier. It's near the wild west area, but the station is set in a desert themed area I have planned.


This coaster is okay I think. I like what I did with the first half (above), but it's not as long as I'd like it.


Alright, now for these guys. I built some dueling giga coasters with some custom Skyrush trains. It's my best ever coaster in terms of excitement rating, so I'm rather pleased with how it turned out.





That's all of it. I should probably go back and focus on scenery and other little details. I seem to have lost 2,000 guests for some reason (must've ignored some vandalism complaints while building one of the coasters), and most of the older coasters lost their popularity. Hopefully I can get back to the way things were.
I have to commend your ability to wrap track from coasters around itself and that from other coasters! I feel like it must take a long time to get all of that coordinated!
Thanks! It's definitely a fun challenge. Most of the coaster design isn't really planned out that much in advance. I just try things along as I go and see if they'd fit. I think the rides that took the longest to build were the two dueling coasters, as the proper synchronizing can be a pain. But the dive machine took quite a while too.
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Seeing as final exams are officially over for me I thought I'd open this back up. For Extreme Heights, I actually had a bit more progress made from the fall, but haven't shared it yet. So this is the park its current condition. Not sure when I'll actually get back to working on it though.


The area with the dueling giga coaster has become an urban themed area. Now in theory an urban theme doesn't sound great, but I honestly think this looks like one of the nicer areas of the park. And there's still plenty of room left to add in.




I shoved in a dueling inverted wild mouse coaster. I think like half the coasters in the park, including the ones I'm about to show you later, don't have a name. My plan for this wild mouse ride was to name it the "junior" or "mini" version of whatever the giga coaster's name was (i.e. Jr. Gemini).


Now I made this Arrow suspended coaster. Even though it's my best rating on a suspended coaster, it's not my favorite. It spends a little time waiting on the MCBRs (normally I try to avoid any waiting on MCBRs), but I guess it'd look better if I ever get some scenery around it. You can see I also put in some Go Karts for the urban theme, and a racing launched freefall coaster (because I knew I had to put it in somewhere, so why not?).


And in the other corner of the park, where I planned to have a medieval theme, I have this B&M floorless coaster. I think this is another one of my "best of its kind" ratings. Floorless coasters aren't hard to get into the extreme ratings, so this one is higher than most of my other coasters. Layout is a little wonky in places, but as always I was going for interactions and near misses with itself and the Intamins.


I might as well share with you all this other park I started on (again way back in the fall). It's called Mythological Madness (ridiculous scenario name), and it's themed to Greek mythology. When I played RCT2 years ago, I never really focused on the Wacky World or Time Twister rides/theming, so I wanted to try a scenario from one of those expansions.

It just has a few coasters, some rides, and minimal theming, but I thought I'd share it with you guys.


I actually quite like how my junior coaster, Sorceress, turned out. The coaster is pretty limited, but I like the way the layout turned out and it has some nice terrain interaction.


The Vekoma Inverted Boomerang I think was just a cheap way to quickly make money, but I put a nice little station and battlefield next to it.


This structure was prebuilt with the scenario, but I though it was a good setting to house the station for my River Styx boat ride.


And lastly I have Griffin, a B&M flyer, and this dive machine that's half complete.


Okay, last park. It's barely anything. I know at some point I wanted to make a park that's more realistic when it comes to aesthetic/layout/coaster design, so I used this scenario which I downloaded online. Think it could pretty interesting.


All I built was this good ol' PTC woodie, inspired by Phoenix (<3).


That's all I got so far. I don't know when I'll get back to working on these... I haven't been hooked onto RCT since the fall and I'll likely want to spend time on other games now that I actually have time off. We'll see!
Made a little more progress on Pratt Falls, the "realistic park." This corner of the park is almost done, just need to work on a bit more scenery around the flat rides and maybe clean up some other spaces. I'm not completely sold on the buildings I've made, might go back to those.



As you can see I made a little family spiral coaster, called Tornado (and in case you were wondering, the woodie is called Lightning).


For this park, don't expect a lot of scenery around the actual coasters. Normally I'd try to go all out and create cool sets and buildings (like in Extreme Heights), but again, I'm going for a more realistic style, so other than a station building, it's not really necessary.

Now down at the bottom of the cliff I worked on something a little interesting: a Mack launched spinning coaster (Giga coaster track with custom Maurer Sohne spinning cars). Originally I was gonna use the LIM coaster track so I could do inversions, but there're no animations programmed for the spinning cars to go upside down, so they looked pretty awkward! So I settled with the Intamin/Mack style track and named it Vortex (I'm sticking with a subtle weather/storm theme on my coasters).

Right before the launch there's a little slow section of turns, which I plan cover up with scenery and have it be a "dark ride" section.


Interestingly, the custom cars only spin on curves, and remain in the "normal" position on straight sections. It's definitely more exciting to build/watch than the spinning wild mouse, which you can't really do anything with.

I added a somewhat generic station and building for the dark ride section of the Mack spinner. The scenario is limited when it comes to scenery objects, so I've mainly been using the wooden and rust material. I supposed I could cheat the other stuff in, but I don't mind.

I also built an Arrow mine train. This will have more of a theme/story, and there's quite a bit of underground section here too.




Meanwhile, at the other end of the park...


Any feedback is appreciated.
Feel like you could use the cliff better than just lift to the top and drop off it again.
Station up on top, moment halfway through the ride of OMG we've got another 100ft drop out of nowhere. That's the stuff.
Yeah, was debating whether or not I should include a couple turns or helices on top but went with just the turn into the drop. I can play around with it more.

I do have plans for a dive machine similar to what you suggested though. I'll have the station on top, small lift hill and then drop into the ground and appear out on the bottom.
Got some more work done.


Built a B&M invert called Soundwave and added some stuff around the coasters.




@HeartlineCoaster I decided to leave the Intamin woodie as is. I originally didn't want to do anything too crazy with the cliff interaction. I did get started on the dive machine though:


Got about three corners of the park filled up. Getting there!

Okay, been a while, but I have more stuff to share.

I recently started working on another realistic park... only this time I'm a lot more serious and methodical about it. For now, I'm calling it World of Wonders, though I'm hoping to change that at some point. I'm planning to have a few different themed areas.

Park entrance... might edit this a bit...


Central plaza is obviously a work in progress. Any yellow markings indicate building placement.


Alright, now to the good stuff. I'm going for some kind of a weather/storm theme here, featuring a big daddy Intamin hyper coaster named F5. I also have an Alton Towers-style corkscrew tribute, which would've been named Cyclone.



I spent the last several days working on the coaster, with most of the time dedicated to the custom supports. They were a pain at first, but it makes the coaster look MUCH better.



That's all so far. I wouldn't expect updates to be that frequent, but I'm kinda on a roll right now so we'll see. The next project will be an earthquake themed, indoor motorbike family coaster, and then continuing to flesh out the existing infrastructure.
That's all so far. I wouldn't expect updates to be that frequent, but I'm kinda on a roll right now so we'll see.
If we can beat four years between this and the next update we'll be laughing! :P

Looking good though - I like the look of the hyper!