Well, even though my age is quite young, my first ever mobile phone was a Phillips BT Cellnet when I was about 6 or 7. I don't remember it much, but it was just as mobile phones started getting 'good' so my phone got very outdated soon, and as a 6/7 year old, what use did I realistically have for it anyway:
I didn't have a phone for a few years, then I bought myself the most amazing phone EVER when I was in Year 7 which got me substantial attention at school as it was so 'modern' and unique': Nokia 3300. FAB phone <3
Then I went a few years without a phone once again, and got a peice'o'**** Samsung E1120 or something or other a few years back for a tenner. Itw as very durable, and survived being thrown out of Colossus, chucked out of windows, thrown about at school and even a trip in the washing bowl while washing up. But it was basic, and crap, but I was happy with it.
And a month or so ago I invested in an iPhone 4. It's ok, I guess, good for internet browsing, apps and all that jazz, but I'd happily go back to a Nokia 3300 any day <3