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Alton Towers Scarefest - with some weird guy from Germany.


Staff member
So, family_Furie were heading off to the first day Alton's scarefest. Meeting badger and Chaz at some point, and any of the other millions of people from CF hanging around that day.

To be honest, Alton had made no discernible effort from last year. Same props, same theming, same characters. Trick or treat doors were funkier, but generally, I'll just use photos from last year's trip report.

Very early on though, we found we'd acquired this weird guy from Germany... Everywhere we went, he was following us. Of course he spoke funny, so we pretty much ignored him. Going round though, he was there with us every step of the way, on the same rides - oddly, when I took photos, he always seems blurred or missing...

Maybe we'd got our own ghost following???

We started off with a quick queue jump onto Spinball, I didn't ride, but SSIL_Furie and Minor_Furie did and it was as always... Only gold coin pingier than last year ;)

Then we always have to do Duel, because Maxi-Minor_furie insists. So it's off through Haunted Hollow:


Same costume, same pose, so last year's shot :p

Last year though, some hilarious wag had done this to one of the statues:

This year, it was screaming cleaning woman eating a Rolo!


Duel was closed until 12:00 "getting ready for it's Live Actor makeover". So we hit RMT and the rapids.

Freaky-guy-from_Germany (FGFG, or F2G2 as I'll now randomly call him, or maybe "Man who leaves trail of socks", I dunno?) followed us on both.

I tried getting a photo of him on the rapids boat for you:

No sign...

Then as they came to the lift at the end:

Who is FGFG? He followed us to Duel, where, due to a slight toilet complication, he ended up riding with Minor_Furie and Maxi-Minor_Furie. I waited by the photo area for them to come out, and guess what? On the same car was also Scott (Bicko)!!! How odd. He didn't seem to like FGFG though, maybe he's more psychically sensitive???

Outside was Skelvin, who is a seriously cool Halloween character (IMO):


With SSIL_Furie and Madame_Furie (SSIL_Furie broke her leg a few weeks ago, so we had to use a wheelchair. Cast is off, but she can't stand or walk much).


With both minor_Furies

As it was lunch time and we were in the area, we headed for Pizza/Pasta buffet thing to get nommed up. Still couldn't shake FGFG... Though we met up with Chaz and that seemed to scare him off a bit. I went off to Nemesis though for my first ride on it this year while Family_Furie wandered off to meet up wit badger, Karen, Philthy, etc...

I got to Nemesis and there was FGFG again... I decided enough was enough and confronted him. After trying to decipher his language, it turns out all he actually wanted was a photo of him in front of Nemesis. Apparently we seemed friendly enough and he decided to stick with us.

So I got the photo, but I suspect he wanted it on his camera, not mine? At least I have photographic evidence anyway he exists!


The Yankee river does run through Germany doesn't it?

Having officially befriended him now, we rode Nemesis together and I showed him a bit of the park while waiting to meet up with family_Furie. The spooks and spirits drained my battery though on my phone and it was all a bit of a nightmare :lol:

Still, we met up in the end and rode 13, Rita, then Hex (I took FGFG and Minor_Furies on Hex while Madame_Furie and SSIL_Furie headed for Oblivion).

Then we swapped over and I took FGFG and Minor_Furie for a couple or seriously awesome runs on Oblivion. Again, it's been about a year since I last rode it, but it was superb for it. So much fun.

We met up with the others (last year's photo again, but all is the same only the blonde which was less attractive this year ;) )

Then it was time for more Thirteen and some faff. I decided to get revenge on FGFG for freaking us out earlier and sent him on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as punishment! Hahahahahahahahaaaaa!

Kebab and then air and Nemesis to finish off the night. Time passed so quickly, it's unreal. We left at about 9:00 p.m. (and then faffed) so it was a late one.

Brilliant day though, really, really enjoyed it. I've not done Alton much this year, and not ridden anything so it was great. Even better doing it fresh myself, while helping FGFG how to ride coasters. I had to set him right about a few facts and things too, seemed a bit of a know-it-all if you ask me ;)

So great day, great weather, great park. Sorry I missed Maddie and Lofty (if you called or sent a text, my phone was just dead from about 1:00, so sorry :( ). Was good seeing old faces about though here and there.

Phew :)

I did tell FGFG all about CF, but he said it sounds like the kind of place that would wind him up no end, so he'll probably not join. If he does though, you'll be kind to him wont you? Would be nice to get his take on Alton too ;)
Mmmm, blonde Trick or Treats door woman <3 I wish I was going this year, it's been too long since my last fix of her...

Strange German man looks like he was fun. Did you find out if he was an enthusiast or just a tourist looking to hit up AT?
ciallkennett said:
Strange German man looks like he was fun. Did you find out if he was an enthusiast or just a tourist looking to hit up AT?

I can't work out if you're playing along or not.

Was the hot halloween blonde only a year ago? Seems longer!
Martyn said:
Was the hot halloween blonde only a year ago? Seems longer!

She was there two years running Martyn, so it WAS two years ago :)
Martyn B said:
So you planning on hitting up any other parks in our fine Country, UC?

UC is in the country??? I wish he'd let me know so I could make more of an effort to avoid him!
LiveForTheLaunch said:
So did he like Nemesis and Oblivion, or what?

Highlight of the day seemed to be Charlie and the Chocolate Factory actually... He wasn't expecting to find such a unique, and highly polished ride outside of Florida. To paraphrase:

"I've never experienced anything quite like that".

So yeah, shocking I know!

Not that he was with us or anything, it's just what I imagine him saying... ;)
Why is there so much hatred for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? It ain't exactly spectacular I know, but I've been on a lot, lot worse.
^Because it's full of really bland 2d sets with stationary statues and about what... 5 actual animatronics in the whole thing?

The lift section is very good I'll give it that... But that may just be due to the boredom of the boat ride section more than anything...
Didn't they claim it cost as much as Spiderman at Islands of Adventure?

The only good thing about that ride is when the boats stacked and the waterfall came back on all over Sam.
The big question is why was furie logged in as "Merlin Man" after a two year spell and posted in here... hmmm.....

I've always wanted to meet UC in person as I know he won't be as much of a cock as he is on the boards, in fact I think he'll be quite nice. X
^ Nah, he's a cock. :wink:

So yeah, did you say hello for me furie like I asked in the good news topic?
Martyn B said:
Why is there so much hatred for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? It ain't exactly spectacular I know, but I've been on a lot, lot worse.

I don't think anything I said was anything but positive!

Martyn said:
Didn't they claim it cost as much as Spiderman at Islands of Adventure?

Well, £7.5 million.

Martyn said:
The only good thing about that ride is when the boats stacked and the waterfall came back on all over Sam.

Actually Martyn B, this Martyn is right, that really is the only good thing I could ever say about the ride.

Small rant... I spend a lot of time on these ride, I've been on Charlie probably more times this year than most people have since it opened. I keep looking for something good about it, and it never fails to amaze me at how utterly underwhelming the ride is. I keep hoping to find some hidden detail or something that helps make the ride good. It has nothing. When compared to equivalents like Peter Pan in Disney and It's a Small World; or even bloody "Pirate Adventure" in Drayton - the ride is bland and dull. Seriously badly put together. The lift is "interesting", but the whole thing stinks of cut corners and it shows.

I will say, the young kids love it though. So it meets the expectations of the audience it was designed for. The problem is, it's parents who take their kids into the ride. If the ride leaves them mind numbingly bored, then they won't return to it. "I could have done half the Rita queue in that time" attitude comes into play.

Pierre said:
The big question is why was furie logged in as "Merlin Man" after a two year spell and posted in here... hmmm.....

I could tell you, but the reason is so tedious and geeky that you'd want to kill yourself afterwards.

Ian said:
So yeah, did you say hello for me furie like I asked in the good news topic?

Erm, I think so, not sure... When you get a few beers into him, there's no shutting him up you know? Couldn't get a word in edgeways! ;)

As for what UC has said, I didn't pay him to be pleasant about Alton, honest. ;)

I tried not to say too much and try to "build hype" about the trip beforehand. It's tough, but I tried my best. I was really interested in what UC thought about the park kind of "naturally". Obviously you hear all the hype and you know the rides, but it's different in real life. For somebody with a massive knowledge of parks and rides, it's good to get a solid opinion, which to be honest was better than I expected.

A park like Alton gets bummed so much, and I spend so much time there, I think that a true opinion of the park becomes skewed. So yeah, it's great to have that more accurate, fresh angle on the park.

I think UC would agree that the day went really well. Queues weren't massively bad (though we did cheat a few times), but generally the day just went without a hitch (other than my mobile failing :roll: ) We managed pretty much every major ride and every major area. Food was excellent too, I think Alton knew UC was coming and pulled up its socks especially :)
UC said:
When you get a few beers into him, there's no shutting him up you know? Couldn't get a word in edgeways!

You're just angry because every time you said something to me, I responded with "Furie said..." and then I'd address it.

Yeah, I never actually knew that you could create quote tunnels in a real life conversation. Freaky! LOL!

UC said:
I think Alton knew UC was coming and pulled up its socks especially

Speaking of socks...

;) :lol:
Glad you had a good day there, it is still the best park in the UK.

Was good to see what you thought of the rides as well.
So you planning on hitting up any other parks in our fine Country, UC?
He needs to go to Thorpe so he can then partake in the Nemesis v Inferno, Stealth v Rita type topics. UC, it really does open a whole new layer of this community when you can do this :wink:

Good reviews anyway, pretty much echoed my thoughts on the place and the major rides, though Rita was fine for me comfort wise.

What did you think of Hex?