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  1. N

    New....erm.....rides, for Fantasy Island....

    I don't mind FI for much the same reason as I enjoy my trips to BPB: They are some of the few theme parks you can get ****faced in. :)
  2. N

    New Thorpe Park MTDP

    I think that sthe most logical theory. Does anyone know if they can part accept a plan? So If they wanted to build 3 rides, they could submit an application for 10, and even just half get through they'd have the flexibility to pick and choose where to put it in the future.
  3. N

    Shamu kills trainer at Seaworld Orlando

    Very sad. :( I read every single newspaper today at work, and every single one said the whale 'attacked the trainer,' and dragged him into the water, then heard the park manager on Radio 1 in the car on the way home reading a statement where he said 'it appears the trainer tripped and fell...
  4. N

    New....erm.....rides, for Fantasy Island....

    Urg sounds awful. I used to enjoy FI as a kid, whatever happened to those plans a good few years back that showed them building another two giant piramids with a transit system and all manor of amazing dreamland crap. :P Where exactly was this land last year? Was it gated off away from...
  5. N

    So it was... ...that killed Archie

    Moon spoons.
  6. N

    Theme Park Trading Cards

    I read the title of the thread and clicked ready to flame your ass.... but they're actually rather smart! Nice job.
  7. N

    New news from Pleasure Beach, Blackpool.

    I don't know art, but I know what I like... and that sure as hell isn't that butt ugly fountain.
  8. N

    Celebrity Deaths 2010 edition <final scoreboard pg29>

    Lionel Jeffries: Get me on that score board. :lol:
  9. N

    Gigs 'n' Tours

    Download ftw. This year I want to stay sober enough to remember a band tho...
  10. N

    The UK needs more Coasters

    I think the UK has more coasters than it deserves. Christ I hate this rock. :P
  11. N

    Pink at Alton Towers

    It's different, but I'm not a fan of the idea, sounds like a logistical nightmare. Will they segregate guests or will Pink fans will pay an inflated ticket price to go to a theme park they don't want to visit, and people like us get a hiked up price to visit the park and catch a glimpse of a...
  12. N

    Most Disappointing Ride

    I wasn't blown away by Expedition GeForce either. It was good fun, and the back in the wet did give awesome airtime, but 'the best coaster in the world?' it didn't even make my top 5, and I'm not that well traveled as far as fanboys go.
  13. N

    Best & Worst SLC you've been on?

    Worst: Jubilee Odyssey. Sucks. Whilst no SLC makes my top 10, there are some acceptable ones out there, Titánide at Terra Mitica was good tho it has been 3/4 years since I've been there, Kumali is good fun, and does Stunt Fall count as an SLC?
  14. N

    It always amazed me ..

    tbh whilst shops may be pushing up the commercial stakes of halloween, I don't think were really adopting the occassion on this side of the pond at all. Every year me & the mrs pick up a load of sweets, we get 3 or 4 kids come knocking then we spend the rest of the week eating the treats...
  15. N

    Something has sprouted from the Mack Track Plant

    Don't mock that very fine 21st century tash.
  16. N

    What Is The Most Overrated Roller Coaster?

    Overated rides? I'll stick my neck out and say anything made of wood. :P Don't know why, but I'm yet to ride a woody that really impressed me.