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Brave 8 year old on X2


Strata Poster
Wheeee! Yeah if I was a little eight year old girl and not a huge fan of coasters, I'd keep my distance from X2!


Mega Poster
I think she's adorable - especially her comment at the end saying "ok, that wasn't too bad"
And mind you that was her 8th birthday, meaning she literally just came out of her 7.

I started pretty early myself as my mom is a roller coaster junkie, I went on Olympia looping at 5 - my niece went on Goliath (Walibi World) and Kraken (Sea World) aged 6 - so it always puts a smile on my face to see youngsters having fun on rides.


Staff member
Social Media Team
Out of boredom I scrolled through some of the Youtube comments on that video and I was appalled. There are people on there calling the 8 year old girl ugly and "a freak" because of her missing teeth. Who does that?

You need to wait until they're hormonal teenagers to be able to really hit home with insults over appearance.